Happy Hour 2-6pm today Currently Open  

Everyone likes free stuff, right?

May 31st, 2016

Your favorite restaurant and bar in St.Louis has been putting out some great specials recently including some offers for FREE beers, wings, burgers, and other food items.  The Post Sports Bar & Grill will typically offer FREE food and drink items via random Facebook posts, twitter tweets, POSTage Paid Newsletters, and text messages.

We sent out a total of 5 free food or drink offers this past weekend alone  (Some of them don’t even have any stipulations such as having to purchase something else)!  We’re all about aiming to please, so if you like free stuff… check out The Post’s social media sites and/or join our POSTage Paid newsletter or Text Marketing Campaign!

So don’t ever complain that the best restaurants and bars don’t give away free stuff.  Because we do (or at least we do at The Post anyways)… and we do it often!

The Post Sports Bar & Grill
Your Gameday Office.  Stay Posted.
