Currently Closed (Holiday) - Opens at: 11am

Secret Shopper Squad

Join our Secret Shopper Squad to help us improve upon the guest experience. 


  • Join the Secret Shopper Squad
  • Receive a secret shopper invite
  • Get a $25 gift card after secret shopper visit (survey completion)


Invitation:  Every two weeks we invite some of our guests to secret shop a Post location.  By signing up for our Secret Shopper Squad, you add yourself to the pool of guests we may invite.  Invitations are sent by email from our website and include a link to the secret shopper survey.  The link expires after 2 weeks.

Survey:  The survey has been optimized for mobile devices.  All questions are listed in sequential order of a typical guest visit.  To ensure integrity of the survey,  it is best to complete throughout the duration of your secret shopper visit.  

Gift Certificate:  Once the survey is completed, you will be emailed a $25 gift certificate.

Once you have joined the squad, completing the survey (or letting a survey link expire) does not preclude you from receiving future invites!