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COVID-19 Employee Financial Resources

Our leadership team is here with you through this crisis.  We will continue updating this page with any known financial resources for restaurant employees and/or citizens due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Post sponsored financial resources

Starting on March 18th, The Post will provide 20% of net carryout sales to all staff members placed on leave of absence beginning in the month of March.  Any staff member who refers a carry out order will receive the entire 20% employee fund allocation for that carryout order.  

This program will remain in effect until the Post re-opens it’s dine in services, or until leadership deem’s the program no longer feasible in which case all employees will be notified.

Leadership is working with the Missouri Department of labor on how to best redistribute each staff member’s share of the fund back to the individual while minimizing any negative impact towards potential unemployment benefits received.  

All restaurant employees (not just Post restaurant employees) can fill out this form to potentially receive social tips (virtual tips / donations) from family, friends, regulars, and other potential generous donors.  It is important to share that link wherever possible using #SocialTipping so that potential donors get their eyes on it as well.  

Government sponsored financial resources

Unemployment Benefits
If you are a team member who has been placed on leave of absence, you are eligible to file for unemployment benefits.  See a summary of benefits here.  Call the Missouri Department of Labor for additional details:  800-735-2966

Mortgage payment relief
If you own your home and your paycheck has been negatively impacted by COVID-19 you may contact your mortgage lender to see if your mortgage payments can be suspended for up to 1 year.  Read article

Families First Act
If you are sick due to the Coronavirus, have to take care of a sick family member, or have to take care of a sick child you are eligible for paid sick leave.  Please see below for details

Other financial resources

USBG National Charity Foundation
If you’re a bartender, bar back, or cocktail server who needs financial support, you can apply to this program. USBG membership is not required to receive funds.

Scholly Scholarship
If any of you team members who are on leave of absence are students, is a scholarship search platform.   Students who have been laid off due to COVID-19 may be eligible for a $200 scholarship.  See details